


例如說托福要考幾分之類的 或是還要加考什麼之類的 謝謝回答唷


入學資格 (來自http://www.go2travel.com.tw/CA/education/miis/) 填妥申請表 600字內的讀書計劃 表明個人學經歷的履歷表及證明文件 二份推薦函 相關測驗成績:托福成績(550/ 213分以上或IBT 80分以上) 申請費US$50 財力證明:存款US$37,150 以上;MBA申請人為US$51,375以上。 申請時間:至少於註冊前3 個月提出申請 需通過健康檢查 要求(來自學院本站http://translate.miis.edu/) 1.學士學位 Bachelor’s degree or the equivalent from an accredited university. Students with three-year bachelor’s degrees must apply for Two-Year programs. 2. GPA3.0 Minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 on a 4.0. scale 3. GPA3.0以下須繳交GRE成績 Low Grade Point Average (GPA): Applicants with a GPA below 3.0 should consider submitting GRE scores as a way to demonstrate skills for the rigors of graduate school. 4.最好在第二外語的國家工作或讀書過 In country experience. Applicants for the two-year programs in GSTI are recommended to have studied or worked for a minimum of six months where their second or third language is spoken. 5. 申請者須繳交EDT成績 EDT考試可連絡辦公室電話(831) 647-4123 或透過E-MAIL admit@miis.edu. 需提及本國語言和你所想譯的目標語 若是再五月一號之後繳交者 秋季班可能會來不及申請 指有考過EDT的申請者將會受理 Evaluating Your Language skills: Applicants must submit an Early Diagnostic Test (EDT) in their proposed languages of study. To request an EDT, please contact the Admissions Office at (831) 647-4123 or via e-mail to admit@miis.edu. Please include your native language and other languages you plan to use during your program of study. The test is self-administered. Please note: If the EDT is submitted after May 1, there may be some delay in evaluating it for the fall semester. Only students with passing scores on the EDT will長頸鹿美語 be offered admission. 英語非本國語者 Non-Native Speakers of English 需繳交TOEFL或IELTS成績 Non-native speakers of English are required to submit proof of English proficiency by submitting TOEFL or IELTS scores. TOEFL minimums: 600 (paper) 250 (computer) 100 (internet) IELTS minimums: 7.0 on listening and reading sections with no subscore below 6.5 2006-07-13 20:53:09 補充: 2006-07 Academic YearFall and Spring Semesters (September to May) Tuition $26,500 Technology Fee $150



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